To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our customers' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact us.

With the age of many of these water lines, there is a mineral buildup inside the pipes. Any time there is a leak, high usage, or air enters the system, some of this buildup is broken loose and will appear as brown or reddish water or have solid pieces of debris. While this can be aggravating, it does not present a health threat.

Another situation becoming more common is the home's elevation being lower than normal. Typically, on a new home construction, the contractor builds up a house pad to put the slab higher than the surrounding land. Some homes are set back off the road a little bit and the road may be higher than the house pad. Some contractors have actually dug down to create a level pad rather than building up. In such a case this puts the customer's plumbing, which is under the foundation, lower than the water supply line servicing the home. No matter how well we keep the lines flushed out, some solids will settle to the bottom of the service lines. If the home's plumbing is lower than the water line, gravity will draw any solids near the meter tap into the customer's pipes. This is why many times one household will seem to continuously have problems while the neighbors do not.

If your water is discolored, contact our office and we will have our crew open a flush valve in your area. This will flush the discolored water out of the main line and should clear the water in a matter of hours.

In the office, we accept business or personal checks, money orders, cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express transactions. We also offer Automatic Bank Draft, which will debit the funds from your bank account on the due date (10th) of every month. For more information on this, view our Automatic Bank Draft on the Forms page.

For after hours payments, members can drop their bill stub along with their preferred method of payment into our drop box located at the front of our building. 

Phone payments can be made on our toll free number 1-844-298-5382. Phone payments will not be processed on our office number. We accept Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and Discover, and eChecks. A Convenience Fee will be charged for each transaction and will be calculated before payment is submitted.

We also offer online bill pay through our payment portal. Please have your bill in hand to register your online profile or to make a one-time payment using the QuickPay button. We accept Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and Discover, and eChecks. A Convenience Fee will be charged for each transaction and will be calculated before payment is submitted. 

Notice: In the event that a business, personal, or eCheck payment is returned by the bank as insufficient or non-negotiable for any reason, the account for which the instrument was issued shall be assessed a return check charge of $30.00. (Southwest Milam Water Supply Corporation Tariff, Section G-12)

If you have not received your bill, you are still responsible for paying on time. Failure to receive your bill does not waive late fees or disconnection of service.  There are several ways that you can get your balance if your bill is lost in the mail; you can call our office at 512-446-2604, access your online profile if you have registered for our online payment portal, or call our toll free phone payment line at 1-844-298-5382. 

The first step to acquiring a new meter is to conduct a Hydraulic Study. This can be done by filling out the form (available in PDF format on our Forms page) and returning it to us along with a check, money order, cash, or debit payment for the hydraulic study fee, which is listed on the form. For more information on Hydraulic Investigation and New Meter costs, visit our New Member page.

Absolutely. All you have to do is fill out an Alternate Billing Agreement and drop it by our office. This is available on our Forms page in PDF format. 

For a transfer, you will need our Membership Transfer Authorization and Service application, which are both available in PDF format on our Forms page.

You will also need to provide a copy of your deed. All owners listed on the deed must have their signature notarized on the Right of Way Easement, which is part of the service application. This can be done at our office.

There is also a $50.00 transfer fee which can be paid by cash, check, money order, or debit transaction.

Meters can malfunction due to worn out internal components that may not register every gallon that passes through the meter. There could also be a piece of debris lodged in the meter that could slow it down or stop it from registering. However, a meter can not turn faster than the water that passes through it. If you feel that your bill is exceptionally higher than normal, you should check for possible leaks on your personal line. 

Small leaks lead to big losses. At 60 PSI water Pressure, over a three month period:

Diameter of  Stream 


1/4 "  






1/16 "



$41.25 Service availability charge per meter per month regardless of water usage or connection. Cost of usage over minimum will be:

$3.30 per thousand gallons from

0 to 6,000 gallons

$3.60 per thousand gallons from

6,001 to 10,000 gallons

$4.80 per thousand gallons from 

10,001 to 20,000 gallons

$5.40 per thousand gallons from 

20,001 to 30,000 gallons

$6.10 per thousand gallons from 

30,001 to 40,000 gallons

$6.70 per thousand gallons from

40,001 gallons +